Do You Dream?

2:56 PM
They say, dreaming are for those who are asleep and do nothing to make it happen. They say dreaming high are only for fools who aims for the impossible.

People always say that dreaming are not for those who have nothing at all. Now I say, dreaming is what makes your life meaningful despite the current status you have in life. Do you agree?

Having no dream means wasting your life doing nothing. People with dreams strive hard to make it achieve it and that what makes life full of challenges and thrills. Others got their dreams effortlessly by using the smooth and instant way as much as possible. Where's the excitement in living up with your life?

Everyone do have their own dreams. Some dream so high while others are contented of having a simple dream.

As you pursue with your dreams, there will be a lot of hindrances that will prevent you from reaching your dreams.

This is what they call the challenges of a person's life. Problems like temptations, discrimination, poverty, loneliness and other factors that may occur in your life are a test to see how strong and determine you are in reaching your purpose in life.

Many people will eventually give up after a failure and even when they lost hope in getting what they want. You don't have to be a loser forever by just giving up what you really want to attain in life that easily. Remember that "a smooth sea never makes a good sailor" just like, "smooth roads never make good drivers" and "clear skies never make good pilots."

A person without any problems and who doesn't even overcome all the challenges he have in life will never make him strong and successful. So sad that there are those who struggles emotionally just because no one believes about their dreams. So sad that there are those who feel disappointed knowing there's a little or no chance of  reaching their dreams at all.

But imagine how inventors, celebrities, multi-million businessmen, athletes, movie writers, directors, rulers and so on, have been so successful in their lives even thoughe most of them started from scratches?

The key is to believe in yourself. Believe that you can do it even if the world tells you that you can't. Believe that there's is no such thing as impossible unless you surrender. Be determine with what you want to achieve and always keep that positive attitude up. You will realize it sooner that all your hardworks, pain and sacrifices will be worth it once you made it to the top.

Don't waste your time doing nothing today and let those opportunities pass you by. Do something for yourself or for the people whom you cherish the most. Don't let yourself regret about the years you'd wasted in life. Do something right now and don't forget your dreams that easily. Live for it and you will surely have it!

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